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Halliburton Political Action Committee

Look up Halliburton's actual documents filed with the FEC

2004 PAC Summary Data

Total Receipts $193,744
Total Spent (view expenditures) $240,018
Begin Cash on Hand $205,453
End Cash on Hand $159,184
Debts $0

Date of last report: July 31, 2004

Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates (list recipients)
(11% to Democrats, 89% to Republicans) $145,500

Contributions to this PAC from individual donors of $200 or more
(list donors) $16,250

2002 PAC Summary Data

Total Receipts $364,230
Total Spent (view expenditures) $249,032
Begin Cash on Hand $90,272
End Cash on Hand $205,453
Debts $0

Date of last report: December 31, 2002

Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates (list recipients)
(11% to Democrats, 89% to Republicans) $149,250

Contributions to this PAC from individual donors of $200 or more
(list donors) $16,083

2000 PAC Summary Data

Total Receipts $229,633
Total Spent $184,030
Begin Cash on Hand $44,656
End Cash on Hand $90,272
Debts $0

Date of last report: December 31, 2000

Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates (list recipients)
(3% to Democrats, 97% to Republicans) $182,252

Contributions to this PAC from individual donors of $200 or more
(list donors) $40,700

1998 PAC Summary Data

Total Receipts $251,710
Total Spent $216,195
Begin Cash on Hand $9,037
End Cash on Hand $44,656
Debts $0

Date of last report: December 31, 1998

Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates (list recipients)
(3% to Democrats, 97% to Republicans) $190,500

Contributions to this PAC from individual donors of $200 or more
(list donors) $33,900

Source: Center for Responsive Politics
